This year surf season in Morocco starts to end. Couple of more days and then fini. We clean up the house, or we actually have done it pretty much. We remove all the wax from the surf boards, we gonna remove all the leashes.We wash all the wetsuits and we gonna fix broken parts of the boards. Somewhere between we drink some tea and then we keep going. We put away Bohnanza, we put new strings on our guitar, we unplug fridges, store the plates with knives and forks. We drink our last beer and then we hit the road to look for new surf spots.
But don’t you worry, we come back in November to start a new bestest and coolest surf camp season and if you cant wait until November, then we are super happy to announce that the best 2015 surf summer starts at the end of May in Seignosse, Le Penon, France. With sunsets on the beach, dancing all night in the clubs, volleyball matches, six o’clock surfing, longboarding around the town, concerts and festivals, new people to meet in our surf camp, new friends to make, new laughs to laugh. Psst, maybe you should book something today! Hahaha!
Just want to say that whether we are in a surf camp in France or Morocco or somewhere else, there is always waves to surf. Cheers!